3 Tips for Branding an Office Remodel

Beginning an office remodel or commercial renovation is the perfect opportunity to incorporate branding throughout the space. Rather than relying on outdated posters and placards, businesses will have the chance to seamlessly bring their brand into the new design. Here are a few tips to help put a stamp on the entire office space.

Start With the Reception Area

When clients walk into an office, the first thing they see is the reception area. During an office remodel, businesses will want to focus on this area and take advantage of the opportunity to imprint with customers and establish confidence in the company. Use company colors in the furnishings and consider incorporating logos into the décor.

Continue the Theme Throughout the Office

An image of a Starbucks, which serves as an excellent example of spacial office remodel branding, which is encouraged by MLM Incorporated in New Orleans, LAIn addition to communicating the brand in areas where clients will see it, business owners should continue the branding throughout the rest of the space. Employees take pride in the work they do and the company they work for. Seeing company colors and logos reflected in their work areas can help keep them motivated. Ask for employee input on office restoration designs, and try adding wall decals and using company colors to make a statement.

Consider the Business’ Personality

The days of providing employees with rows and rows of cubicles are over. Instead, businesses should work to show their personality and values by selecting furnishings that reflect who they are. If the company is more relaxed, they should incorporate communal gathering spots and lounge areas into the office remodeling project. This shows they care about their employees and want to inspire them to be as productive as possible while focusing on their comfort. Check out our past blog post for inspiration on creating a happier office space that employees will love.

Make the most of any office remodeling or restoration projects by incorporating brand logos, colors, and company values throughout the space, transforming an otherwise bland environment into a unique and creative space. For examples, check out our portfolio of completed projects!

Are you ready to get started with your branded office remodel? Let MLM Incorporated assist. Contact us for an estimate.

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