

  • How Long Does It Take To Build A House?

    Building your own home is a dream for so many people. By doing so, you create a home perfectly made for you and your family. Many wonder though, how long does it take to build a home, especially in the South? At MLM Incorporated, we’ve helped many through this process. We discuss the average new…

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  • How Do Commercial Construction Loans Work?

    Whether you’re starting from scratch or simply expanding, commercial construction loans can help you grow your business or build a space you can call your own. If you’re eager to make changes to your office, restaurant, retail, or other commercial space, we can help. This article covers what you need to know about commercial construction…

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  • What Is The Future Of Shopping Center In The South?

    When Victor Gruen designed the first indoor mall in the 1950s, he envisioned a community meeting space more like the bustling streets of his youth in Vienna. He imagined a mixed-use space. Restaurants, offices, and residential apartments would sit alongside retail stores. For Gruen, these malls would become a dedicated third space. Not home. Not…

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  • How does kitchen remodeling impact a home’s value?

    One of the best ways to invest in your home is by upgrading the kitchen. A kitchen remodeling project will not only have a positive impact on the value of your home but will also make your home more attractive to prospective buyers, which means more people seeing your home in person and more offers.…

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  • Choosing the Right Siding for Your Historic Home Renovation

    Historic home renovation is big business in New Orleans, thanks to the abundance of antique housing stock throughout the greater metropolitan area. Restoring one to its former glory is both a profession and a labor of love. To achieve a finished project that protects your investment and compliments the architectural style, it’s critical to choose…

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  • Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge: What to Expect

    Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge may not get as much publicity as its counterpart in New Orleans, but these under-the-radar festivities are the perfect place for couples, families, or even solo visitors to have a good time. If you find yourself in Baton Rouge during Carnival season, take advantage of the extravagant parades and the…

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  • New for 2019: This Year’s Hot Restaurant Design Trends

    A restaurant’s atmosphere can be as important as its menu and service. The design style of a restaurant should complete the hospitality package and be aesthetically pleasing to patrons, who often come to restaurants for the entire experience, not just the meal. In 2019, the industry will likely see the trends that create a natural,…

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  • Things to Consider When Adding a Window to Your Bathroom

    Having a window in a bathroom can enhance the room’s design by adding natural light, making the space look bigger, and even providing ventilation. There are several things to consider when adding a window to your bathroom, like how much light you want, if you’re concerned about privacy, and if you want the window to…

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  • The Light and Dark Sides of Skylights

    Anyone who has ever looked through a skylight at night can appreciate the beauty offered by this window into the sky, with its clear view of the stars above. But before jumping into a residential renovation project to add skylights, homeowners should be informed of both the benefits and drawbacks of these windows. A Look…

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  • How Does a Smart Home Work?

    Smart homes are no longer far-fetched visions of the future. They’re here, and they’re more accessible than ever. While the uber-wealthy may use smart technology to transform their homes into futuristic dwellings, families on a budget can use smart home technology to make their daily lives easier. The Rise of Home Automation Home automation products…

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  • Retrofit or Replace? How to Handle Historic Windows

    Renovations of historic homes and buildings require special consideration for the windows. Although the original windows are an integral part of the architecture of any historic building, they are much less energy-efficient than modern windows and are often less functional. Here’s what those planning to renovate this type of property should know about striking a…

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  • Cultivate Your Brand Experience in Your Retail Design

    Retailers with brick-and-mortar stores know that the impression their retail space makes can stay with a customer forever. A retail space can be used to cultivate a brand image that makes a positive impression on shoppers. Here are three innovative ways to help your brand stand out in your retail design. Curate a Distinct Brand…

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  • Statement Ceilings: The Right Choice for Your Home?

    In a grander past, the ceilings of beautiful homes were a status symbol unto themselves. Painted, vaulted, domed, or coffered, the more ornate the ceiling, the more impressive the room and the more prestigious the social profile. While notions of home luxury have evolved since the age of the Great Houses, history is cyclical and…

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  • Deciding on the Best Time for a Home Remodel

    Among countless factors that go into the decision to renovate, it’s important to determine the right time for a home remodel. Remember that there is no set-in-stone timeline that works for every homeowner, and personal finances, the decision to move, and lifestyle considerations like kids’ school schedules must all be factored into the decision. Not…

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  • Tips for Renovating a Small Kitchen

    Just because a kitchen is small doesn’t mean it can’t shine. Here are some simple tips for renovating a small kitchen that can make all the difference. Keep It Open Believe it or not, when it comes to small kitchens, there’s actually such a thing as too much storage. Adding too many cabinets or cupboards…

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  • Five Techy Gadgets to Upgrade Your Bathroom

    These days, there’s a gadget for every room in a home. But what about the bathroom? Here are five techy gadgets to upgrade your bathroom into the modern age.  Shower Speakers Shower speakers have come a long way in recent years, and today’s speakers offer clear sound in a water-resistant package. In addition to making…

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  • Pros and Cons of Converting Your Garage

    Although residential renovations are sometimes focused on aesthetic improvements, converting your garage into a home addition can offer some practical advantages and disadvantages as well. Here are some pros and cons to help make the decision easier. Pro: Affordability The obvious reason many homeowners choose to convert their garages into home additions is to have…

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  • Avoiding Unexpected Surprises With New Construction Projects

    Building a new home, or any new construction projects, is an exciting undertaking, not to mention a major investment! To ensure the best and smoothest building experience, the buyer should work closely and be in regular communication with their residential contractor during all phases of the new construction project. These tips will help every buyer…

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  • Historic Renovation Regulations in New Orleans

    New Orleans is renowned for its architecture, from antebellum mansions and mid-century modern homes to iconic churches and historical buildings. These buildings preserve New Orleans’ rich history and culture, enabling them to be shared with future generations. This means that there are a number of special considerations to take into account for historic renovation projects…

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  • Three Tips for Hosting Out-of-Towners for Mardi Gras

    Mardi Gras is an event to remember. Visitors who don’t get to experience it very often, or who are visiting for the first time, can benefit from gracious local hosts who offer guidance and hospitality. Follow these tips for hosting out-of-towners to make the most of this unique, memorable celebration. Put Yourself in Their Shoes…

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